Hallo friend fellow user of social media these days I'll post about the type of type of software may not know most of you What is that software he immediately let's start with the notion of software but remember friends in the reading we must understand what we read .... ..
understanding Softwaer
Software or computer software is a special term for the data in the format and stored in digital form, including computer programs, documentation, and a variety of information that can be diaca and written by computer. In other words, software or computer software is one part of a computer system, but the software is intangible in contrast to hard or Haredware perangkatat.
Understanding software is a set of electronic data is stored and governed by computers. The data are stored electronically can be either programs or instructions that will run a variety of commands. With this software through a computer is able to be able to execute a command or a variety of commands that can be run.
Types of Software
By type, the software can be divided into several parts, the parts were as follows.
1. Commersial software (paid software)
Commersial software or paid software is software made for commercial purposes and needs. For each user you want menggunalan the software, he must buy to those who distribute it. Can direct the software developer mebuatnya. Users who use the paid software, usually not diilegalkan or may not redistribute the software.
Examples of paid software as follows debagai, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and so forth. The paid software dilindingi by copyright laws, and to get it we have to buy the software.
2. Freeware
Freware or geratis software is software that is copyrighted, but those users who want to make use of the software, can be downloaded for geratis and indefinitely. Freeware is different from sheware, sheware obliging users to pay for the trial period or for. Obtain additional functions of the software. the developers of these devices typically make the device geratis freeware "to be donated to a community" but that application developers face to want to defend the rights and has a comprehensive control against further development.
Freeware also be defined as any program that is distributed geratis and at no extra cost. Freeware application example is Mozilla Firefox and so forth.
3. Shaware
Shaware is a software which is provided for users without paying but limited by time if time free trial users Abis if you want to prolong it or you want to get a certain extra features should buy to those who distribute them in order to use the software.
The reason behind shaware program is to give the buyer the first chance to try out the application program that Sipembeli BEFORE BUYING A license for a more complete version. It is also used as one of the marketing strategies of developeraplikasi pemasaranatau shareware.
4. Firmware
Firmware is sftware which refers to software that is stored in a read only memory or read only memory. Like any type of random access memory, firmware will not change even if not in aliri electric current. From the start STARTUP computer to process the instructions. Modivvikasi indeed masi to do, but it depends on the type of ROM (Read Only Memory) that is used. Firmware which has been in simpandalam ROM can not be changed, but the firmware y, g is stored in the ROM which can be changed as EEPROM or Flash ROM, masi can be changed as needed.
5. Free software
Free software or free software is a coined term that refers to free software to be used, studied, and modified and can disalain with or without modifications. Free here also in use, change, study or mejual a software and and one does not need to ask permission of anyone. With katalain you can be hands-on with this software at will. Trsebut software usually has a license and provides access to the code sembernya for its users. Need dikiketahui that free software or free software DO misunderstood by software geratis (Freeware). Freeware can be a free software means free software or freeware DAPT be preangkat non-free software. In general, free software available geratis for its users and built by an open community. The members of the community who are members usually voluntary but can also be an employee of a company which was already paid to develop the software.
6. Open Source Software
Open Source software or can be referred to as an open source software is a type of software whose source code is open and able to be learned, modified, dikrmbangkan, improved, and can also spread. Because of these properties, in general, development or developer carried out by an open community that has a goal to develop the software in question. Open Source Software generated usually fixed bebasdengan san mwnganut a certain ethical rules.
All devices luna k is a free open source software, but the software sebalikinya sumberterbuka belumtentu free software, depending on the rules that are in pekai the application.
7. Malware
Malware or malicious software is software that is created by the creator to damage a computer system. Malware consists of computer viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, worms, spyware, adware, crimeware, and other peripheral devices are worth evil.
Such an explanation or description of understanding Commersial, Freware, shareware, firmware, free software, Open Source Software, and Malware ...... Hopefully the explanation that I gave a glimpse useful for you all Amen .....
and do not forget the comments on my blog if anyone sala article above for human error was fair because every human being is created that nothing is perfect ..... Okay ......
thank you
wasalam ......
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