Saturday, May 28, 2016

Assalamualaikum wr.wb 
Hello friends today I'll post about the meaning and function of the computer server and client computers. Penjelasanya is as follows .....

1. Computer servers
a. Understanding server computer
    Computer Server is a system that provides various types of services, and can be accessed by the client computer that is being associated in a network, be it the Internet or interanet. The more simple it is the party that gave meksimal resource for use by the client computer, but the computer server itself does not use the resources of another computer. Given its job fairly large and generally must be capable of operating for 24 hours, then the computer server must be supported sepesifikasi that mempuni and tend to be different than on regular computers. Besides the server computer must also have a specific operating system or commonly referred to as a network operating system.

b. Function Computer Servers
    The server computer to function as a unit that stores various forms infirmasi, once served as the manager of a computer network. Computer server was in charge of serving the client computer or workstation connected to the network. Given the position of the server computer that houses many client computers at once, because that network devices komputerb this one is often dubbed as commuter Indic.

2. Client Computer
a. Understanding the client computer
    Client computer is a computer that is used to perform the processing of data taken from the server computer. Simply put the client computer is the party that gets the services of a computer server, if the server computer is often called the host computer, then the client computer is more often referred to as workstation or Note.

b. Client computers function
    In a network, the client computer function that allows users to access the service or services of the server computer. Given everything that happened systems in a network is only done by a computer that serves as a server, then the client computer is able to provide aksesyang fast enough for users (humans) because it will not be burdened with processing or other tasks.

    Thank you probably just that sajah that I can give to all my friends ask ma'af what if there are errors in my writing if there is an error please comment so I can justify it. Sekalilagi thank you for your interest for Visiting my blog.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

The role of parents is important
       Friend, we as young people and people of Indonesia must be intelligent communication and responsiveness in addressing the dangers of drug abuse. The initial step that we can do them with emphasis on the dangers of drug abuse, beritaberita in media cetakmaupun elekteronik media and even through exhibitions that are often carried out by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN)
Here are some tips for the younger generation as well as massyarakat generally be free of drugs and in order mendikung national program to create a "drug free Indonesia"

Tips to avoid themselves from drugs

1. Increase faith and piety, all religions teach goodness. One and Peerless are to abstain with illicit goods, namely drugs, drug trafficking, and liquor. With keimaan and piety bersimber of personal self, we will be able to menghin of themselves from abuse and trafficking of drugs wipe.

2. Siapkandiri and mentally to refuse when offered drugs. Self and mental ability in avoiding drug abuse early start from the family, school and community. From a good environment will arise personal good also on every indipidunya.

3. Be careful in choosing friends hang out. In the association we also must be selective in choosing friends. we choose friends that can improve our knowledge and add value pesitif for ourselves. especially at this time, the association has been very "free" in the sense that no border restrictions. In fact, the association that there are procedures. Good relationships will shape us into personal good and able to win drug abuse.

4. Study abroad said "Tida" when offered with good reason, if tida able to immediately leave the place. If someone is trying to offer us contraband (drugs) in whatever form we have to say "No" and with good reason. Do not get offended. People who take drugs will usually behave beringas.kalau tida were immediately able to leave it where it is. And do not ever met the person, the better to escape.

5. Increase perestasi to mengejr future goals and desires are more noble. seagai younger generation, better improve perestasi to pursue the ideals and desires beginning of the time spent on useless things. Drugs make our lives menadi vain, narkona memebuat we regret in the future we are going to be. Penalah avoid yourself from drug use was more mainstream.

6. To fill the spare time to do the one thing that is positive. Bnyak of our confusion in filling spare wakti sometimes we end up on free pergailan salahyaitu choice. Though many positifyang activities we can do. For example, by following the vocational training courses or to gardening.

How mengaakan "no" to drugs:
If there are people who strive for excellent service, give us CUMC-Just contraband drugs we should be able menolakny. Say: "No", "Sorry I'm not interested", "For this one sorry .... I can not".

a. If orng it looks violent and utmost force, but the gaze of people who offer these drugs, be Tanang and fleeting if he masi offer saying: "I had no other business", or "Sorry I have to go," or "I was there exam tomorrow and I have to study at home, "or" I was in a doctor's care and should not I use any other drugs without permission dokte ".

b. Change the subject, for example the problem of sports, movies, arts, and others. By switching talks expected the person will feel that we are not tertarikdengan what she has to offer.

c. If you still memeksa leave them. The most effective step is to leave them and not once tried drugs.

Remember friends that our future is determined BY OUR OWN not others, when friends all want to be successful in the future or the future abstain from illicit goods, namely drugs. Okay

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Friends now I will introduce the application is freeware and Miscellaneous bari example we just started now begins with an explanation of commersial .....

for each user who wants to use the software, the use of the software must be purchased to those who distribute it, can direct the software developers who make it, users who use paid software is usually not diilegalkan or not allowed redistribute the software.

The following are some examples of application or program that is both commercial palikasi ....

The types of applications the design of a commercial nature

1. Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop, commonly called Photoshop, image editor software is made by Adobe Systems which is devoted to editing photos / images and effects creation. The software is widely used by digital photographers and advertising company that is regarded as the market leader (market leader) to the image processing software / photos, and, together with Adobe Acrobat, is considered as the best product ever produced by Adobe Systems. The eighth version of this application is called by the name of Photoshop CS (Creative Suite), version of the nine-called Adobe Photoshop CS2, version ten called Adobe Photoshop CS3, the version eleventh is Adobe Photoshop CS4, version twelfth is Adobe Photoshop CS5, and the latest version is Adobe Photoshop CC.

2. CorelDraw

CorelDraw is a vector graphics editor developed by Corel, a software company headquartered in Ottawa, Canada. The latest version, CorelDRAW X5 was released on February 23, 2008. CorelDRAW was originally developed for the Windows 2000 operating system and so on. CorelDRAW versions for Linux and Mac OS ever developed, but was stopped due to lower sales levels.

3. Paint

Paint (formerly Paintbrush for Windows) is a simple graphical computer program that has been included with all versions of Microsoft Windows. It is often referred to as MS Paint or Microsoft Paint. The program is mainly open and save files Windows bitmap (24-bit, 256 colors, 16 color, and monochrome, all with the extension .bmp), JPEG, GIF (no animation or transparent, although the version of Windows 98, Windows 95 upgrade, and Windows versions NT4 do support the latter), PNG (no alpha channel), and a one-page TIFF. This program can be in fashionable colors or two colors black and white, but no grayscale mode. For simplicity, it quickly became one of the most widely used application in early versions of Windows-introduce many of the paintings on the computer for the first time-and is still widely used for image manipulation tasks very simple.

kind type of media player applications are commercial
1. Windows Live Movie Maker

Windows Live Movie Maker is software that is part of Windows Live Essentials 2011. The main function of this program is to make digital processing of the samples moving images (movies), for example, to add animation, visual effects or a brief editorial related to the movie which is being edited.

2. VLC

VLC Media Player is a software (software) diverse players file (file) multimedia, both video and audio in various formats, such as MPEG, DivX, OGG, and others. VLC Media Player can also be used to play DVD, VCD, and CD [5]. VLC Media Player is an open source (open source) and is available for various operating systems [5]. Starting from Microsoft Windows, various Linux distributions, Mac OS, and several other operating systems.

One of the advantages of the most prominent of the VLC Media Player is a complete codec owned. In other words, VLC can play almost all kinds of audio and video files available.

VLC Media Player is a program that is highly portable multimedia player. In short, this program can be used to play multimedia files, be it on a computer, CD or DVD, up for streaming on the internet.

Behind the simple program display, multimedia file player is equipped with a variety of additional features, such as the ability subtitle, tag formats, conversion, filters, skin, can be operated via a variety of interfaces, available in Indonesian, and many more [6]. In fact, this program can also be used as a server for streaming needs in the local network and the Internet.

Here are the specifications of VLC Media Player:

File Size: 9.8MB (download), 16.3MB (installed)

Publisher: (John T. Haller) and VideoLAN

3. SMPlayer

SMPlayer is a cross-platform graphical front-end for MPlayer and MPV and forks of Mplayer use GUI widgets offered by Qt. SMPlayer free and open source software to the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.

PLEASE SORRY when my blog mepunyai error if there is please let me know which one or where it died through okay comments and THANK Friend ??????? friends or your visit to my blog ....
Assalamualaikum wr.wb.

Hallo friend fellow user of social media these days I'll post about the type of type of software may not know most of you What is that software he immediately let's start with the notion of software but remember friends in the reading we must understand what we read .... ..

understanding Softwaer
Software or computer software is a special term for the data in the format and stored in digital form, including computer programs, documentation, and a variety of information that can be diaca and written by computer. In other words, software or computer software is one part of a computer system, but the software is intangible in contrast to hard or Haredware perangkatat.
Understanding software is a set of electronic data is stored and governed by computers. The data are stored electronically can be either programs or instructions that will run a variety of commands. With this software through a computer is able to be able to execute a command or a variety of commands that can be run.

Types of Software
By type, the software can be divided into several parts, the parts were as follows.

1. Commersial software (paid software)

Commersial software or paid software is software made for commercial purposes and needs. For each user you want menggunalan the software, he must buy to those who distribute it. Can direct the software developer mebuatnya. Users who use the paid software, usually not diilegalkan or may not redistribute the software.
Examples of paid software as follows debagai, Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, and so forth. The paid software dilindingi by copyright laws, and to get it we have to buy the software.

2. Freeware

Freware or geratis software is software that is copyrighted, but those users who want to make use of the software, can be downloaded for geratis and indefinitely. Freeware is different from sheware, sheware obliging users to pay for the trial period or for. Obtain additional functions of the software. the developers of these devices typically make the device geratis freeware "to be donated to a community" but that application developers face to want to defend the rights and has a comprehensive control against further development.

Freeware also be defined as any program that is distributed geratis and at no extra cost. Freeware application example is Mozilla Firefox and so forth.

3. Shaware

Shaware is a software which is provided for users without paying but limited by time if time free trial users Abis if you want to prolong it or you want to get a certain extra features should buy to those who distribute them in order to use the software.

The reason behind shaware program is to give the buyer the first chance to try out the application program that Sipembeli BEFORE BUYING A license for a more complete version. It is also used as one of the marketing strategies of developeraplikasi pemasaranatau shareware.

4. Firmware

Firmware is sftware which refers to software that is stored in a read only memory or read only memory. Like any type of random access memory, firmware will not change even if not in aliri electric current. From the start STARTUP computer to process the instructions. Modivvikasi indeed masi to do, but it depends on the type of ROM (Read Only Memory) that is used. Firmware which has been in simpandalam ROM can not be changed, but the firmware y, g is stored in the ROM which can be changed as EEPROM or Flash ROM, masi can be changed as needed.

5. Free software
Free software or free software is a coined term that refers to free software to be used, studied, and modified and can disalain with or without modifications. Free here also in use, change, study or mejual a software and and one does not need to ask permission of anyone. With katalain you can be hands-on with this software at will. Trsebut software usually has a license and provides access to the code sembernya for its users. Need dikiketahui that free software or free software DO misunderstood by software geratis (Freeware). Freeware can be a free software means free software or freeware DAPT be preangkat non-free software. In general, free software available geratis for its users and built by an open community. The members of the community who are members usually voluntary but can also be an employee of a company which was already paid to develop the software.

6. Open Source Software

Open Source software or can be referred to as an open source software is a type of software whose source code is open and able to be learned, modified, dikrmbangkan, improved, and can also spread. Because of these properties, in general, development or developer carried out by an open community that has a goal to develop the software in question. Open Source Software generated usually fixed bebasdengan san mwnganut a certain ethical rules.

All devices luna k is a free open source software, but the software sebalikinya sumberterbuka belumtentu free software, depending on the rules that are in pekai the application.

7. Malware

Malware or malicious software is software that is created by the creator to damage a computer system. Malware consists of computer viruses, Trojan horses, rootkits, worms, spyware, adware, crimeware, and other peripheral devices are worth evil.

Such an explanation or description of understanding Commersial, Freware, shareware, firmware, free software, Open Source Software, and Malware ...... Hopefully the explanation that I gave a glimpse useful for you all Amen .....

and do not forget the comments on my blog if anyone sala article above for human error was fair because every human being is created that nothing is perfect ..... Okay ......

thank you
wasalam ......

understanding Server
Servers are computers that functioned to serve, limit, and control access to the clients and resources on a computer network. Servers are also supported by the specification / hardware were great (in contrast to regular computer), server operating system mengfungsikan special called as a network operating system. In the server operating system there are a wide range of services that use client / server architecture.
function Server
Usefulness server very much, one of which is for the internet connection, science, or just storage. In view of the server functions can be categorized into several types, such as application servers, data servers and proxy servers. The application server is a server that is used to store a variety of applications that can be accessed by the client, the data server functioned well for storing data that is used directly or client data is processed by the application server. Proxy servers are useful to manage traffic in the network via the proxy settings. In general we are more familiar serveruntuk proxy can connect computers to the Internet.
Miscellaneous Application Server
The application server is a computer application that is useful serving an access request from the client computer. Here are the kinds of kinds of server applications.

1. Web Server

Web server software is installed on a server in order to provide services for data requests with http or https protocol which is accessed through a specific application such as a web browser. Web server responds to the request by sending back the content in the form of pictures, writings or the other and then present it via a web browser.
Examples of common web server and often used.
Apache Web server
Apache web server is the most widely used on the Internet. The program was first released for the UNIX operating system. In the next version of Apache issued a program that can run on Windows NT. Apache has a program very much, It provides a fairly complete feature for its users.
Litespeed Web server
Litespeed web server is a new technology that is created to replace the Apache web server in the future. According to the research results Litespeed has the advantage that is 50% faster in PHP and faster processing 6x compared to the Apache web server.
Web server Nginx
Nginx quickly provide static content with efficient use of system resources. It can deploy HTTP dynamic content on the network using a Fast CGI handler for the script, and can function capable software load balancing.
IIS Web server
Is a continuation of the Internet Information Service (IIS) is a component that can be used to manage web, file transfer protocol (FTP), Ghoper, and NNTP.

2. Proxy Server

Proxy server is a server computer or a computer program that can act as other computer to make requests to the content from the Internet or intranet. Proxy servers act as a gateway in the world for each client computer. Proxy servers can be used to secure private network that is connected to a public network. Proxy servers have many uses of the router that features packet filtering because the proxy server is operating at a higher level and have a thorough control of the access network. Here are some uses of the proxy server
Connection Sharing
filtering and
3. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol)

Dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP) is a protocol-based client / server architecture in use to facilitate the allocation of IP addresses in the network. If the local network does not use DHCP to assign IP addresses to all computers manually. And if DHCP is in use on the local network, then automatically any connected computer in the network will obtain IP. On a vast network, DHCP is used to simplify and eliminate the possibility of conflicts among the IP.

4. DNS Server

Or the DNS (domain name system) is a service to provide information to translate host names (domain) to address IP address Addressing. Domain name system or in short DNS could be portrayed if a client browsing to address specific domains do first is to ask to the machine DNS, and DNS would inform the client of the IP address destination server as on the internet only known IP addressing Addressing. For example, when you write in a browser, the DNS will automatically switch to the domain ip, well that functions DNS or domain name system.

5. FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP is one of the protocols on the Internet that allows Internet users to exchange and file transfer via an internet server. Via FTP, you can easily access, upload, donwload, and manage files in the Internet server easily. FTP servers are generally divided into two anonymous FTP and FTP authenticate. In anonymous, you are free to access the FTP server by using the "username" and password in the form of anonymous email address. At authenticate FTP, you can not or banned access the FTP server if you do not have a username and password to the server.

6. VPN (Virtual Private Network)

VPN is a secure connection between two segments of a private network that is in use on a public network such as the Internet to reduce operating costs. Both segments are connected via a public network. To be able to secure the network in it, wear two VPN tunneling and encryption technology namely.
Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

Blog I do not beat around the bush let's just pengertia the first of the program office applications let us welcome Microsoft Word

Understanding Microsoft Word
Microsoft Word is a word processing application that is very popular at the moment, Applications developed by microsoft is contained in a package containing microsoft office microsoft word, microsoft excel, power point microsoft, microsoft office microsoft office publisher access and others .. Will but of the many packages offered these microsoft word most often used by most people other than microsoft excel and power point. In the development of Microsoft Word undergone many developments over the years ranging from Microsoft Word 1998, Microsoft Word 2003, Microsoft Word 2007, Microsoft Word 2010 and Microsoft Word 2013. With the development of the database and Microsoft has added a new tool to enhance Microsoft Word so that more easy to use. With Microsoft Word can facilitate human labor in typing letters and other documents.

The function of Microsoft Word
The function of mirosoft word is a word processor so that all the work associated with word processing can be done with this application such as:

  • make note
  • create table
  • create text with different variations (word Art)
  • insert images
  • and create documents

Understanding Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Excel is a software or software that is released Microsoft and shaped spreadsheet, which is used to calculate the numbers and graphs.

Microsoft Office can run on various operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows exact and Maccintosh or Mac OS. Because it can run on different operating systems and has a very complete feature, Microsoft Excel makes the most widely used in various circles for the use of calculations and graphs.

Usability and functionality:

  •  Financial reporting office
  • Charting the development of business performance
  • Student score reports
  • Search report traffic on the model CSV

Understanding Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Powerpoint is an application program microsoft office useful as media presentations using multiple slides.
This application is very popular and widely used of all walks of life, be it students, offices and businesses, educators, and trainers.
The presence of powerpoint make a presentation run much easier with the support features that are very attractive and sophisticated. Features template / design will also beautify a powerpoint presentation.

Usability or functionality:
Means to facilitate a presentation.
Make a presentation softcopy form that can be accessed by a variety of computing devices.
Creating a slide presentation in the form of an attractive and beautiful with feature support audio, video, images and animations and template / design that will be used.
Easily create, manage and print various slides.

Understanding Microsoft Access
Microsoft Access is an application program from Microsoft that is useful to create, process, and manage databases (database).
Database (database) is a collection of data records in a table that mutual relations or related to produce information. To generate an information, there needs to be used as input DATA.

Function or usefulness:

  • To create a database (database).
  • To create an application program the number of learners.
  • To create an application program employee's salary.
  • To create an application where the program library books.
  • To create an application program attendance.
  • To create an application program supplies.
  • And others.

Understanding Microsoft OneNote
Microsoft Office OneNote is an application that functions like paper records, where you can write, draw, insert objects, doodle, featuring screenshots, leave comments, and share them with colleagues sekerja.Berbeda of Microsoft Word, in OneNote you can write and put anything at any place you like. Almost the same as when scribbling on paper, in OneNote you are also free to put the elements of the record.
What are the Benefits OneNote?

As with any notebook, OneNote you can use to write anything. For example:

  • Writing To do List
  • noting idea
  • Creating a Project Plan
  • writing Prescription
  • Noting Shopping List
  • commenting Design
  • Writing Quick Notes
  • etc.


Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh


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